Jack Grouell

Jack, Linda and Lucy Grouell (click to enlarge)

1 – What has retirement allowed you to pursue that career/child-rearing prohibited?  Those still working, should speculate.
Being a Volunteer Docent at Paul Allen’s Flying Heritage Collection
Enjoying extended drives in one of our 3 MINI Coopers – and supporting Linda (wife) who is in her third year as President of the Puget Sound MINI Cooper Club (PSMINI.ORG)

2 – What advice would you give your grandchildren?

3 – Right now, my favorite thing to do is:
Travel – especially long driving trips on back roads and scenic routes.

4 – My favorite place in the whole wide world is:
Our home in Everett WA

5 – Any interesting things left in your bucket list?
Lots – mostly visiting places I have not yet been to…

6 – Feel free to add a question and have fun with the answer.

What do you wish you had done differently in High School?
Not much – maybe made an effort to talk to a few classmates…

Jack Grouell

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